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Ouk Chanchakrya

Lawyer: Cambodia

Profile and Expertise

Chakrya has served as a Senior Associate for over 7 years, bringing extensive experience in legal research, translation, contract review, legal document preparation, and document archiving. She has also liaised with the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training and has expertise in litigation and arbitration. Currently, she holds the position of Senior Associate at MAR & Associates, where she leads the Japanese Desk.

  • Experience
  • Publications
  • Seminars
  • Newsletter
  • ・From 12th March 2019 – Present: Member of Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia
    ・From 2015 – Present: Senior Associates at MAR & Associate Law Firm
    ・From 01st September 2014 – Present: Senior Consultant at JBL MEKONG CO., LTD.
    ・From 03rd March 2014 until 31st August 2014: Legal Intern at ALAC (Advocacy Legal Advice Center) of Transparency International Cambodia


・2018: LL.M of Double Degree, University Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) in collaboration with the University of Montreal, University of Geneva, and French Cooperation Center, Phnom Penh
・2013: LL.B from Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE)

Admitted/Professional Experience

    Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia
    MAR & Associates(Associate)


Khmer and English

