Hiroyuki Masuda
Lawyer: Japan and Singapore
Profile and Expertise
Hiroyuki Masuda graduated from Doshisha University with a Bachelor of Law degree and subsequently Kyushu University with a Juris Doctor degree. He was called to the Japan bar in 2011.
Mr. Masuda started his career at one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in Japan, Shionogi & Co., Ltd., as an in-house counsel, where he assisted various kinds of corporate and commercial transactions in pharmaceutical industries, international M&A transactions, enhancing corporate governance and establishing compliance programs.
Thereafter he joined law firm in Osaka which is well known in Kansai area for legal support for SMEs with a wealth of expertise in M&A and corporate restructuring. He advised various companies in a wide range of industries in all aspects of the M&A process, including transaction structure planning, undertaking and managing due diligence, and drafting and negotiating all relevant documentation and execution. He also advised and represented various corporate clients in lawsuits on diverse issues arising out of disputes in relation to labour law and corporate alliance.
Throughout his career, Mr. Masuda has extensive experience in offering a comprehensive range of law services covering corporate and commercial transactions, corporate alliance activities, corporate governance and compliance matters from large-scale or public listed companies to SMEs in Japan and overseas.
Mr. Masuda is also qualified to advise Singapore commercial law (Foreign Practitioner Certificate for Foreign Lawyer to practice both Singapore law and Foreign law in Singapore (Section 36B)) as well as Japanese law in Singapore.
Drawing on his experience and expertise, Mr. Masuda focuses on advising companies in their activities regarding corporate alliance or collaboration (through M&A, investment, making a business partnership and establishing JV), corporate governance and compliance matters in ASEAN countries.
Further, Mr. Masuda focuses on advising on corporate governance for privacy data across the world to respond to the increasing privacy issues due to advancing digital transformation.
- Experience
- Publications
- Seminars
- Newsletter
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singaporean logistics company by a Japanese logistic company
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singaporean food manufacturing/distribution company by a Japanese food business company
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singaporean electronic company by a Japanese electronic company
- Assisting the investment into a Singaporean labour staffing listed company by a Japanese labour staffing company
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singaporean translation company by a Japanese printing company
- Assisting the business transfer of a Singaporean software business to Japanese PR company
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singaporean electronic maintenance company by a Japanese electronic maintenance company
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singapore trade company by a Japanese trade company
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singapore IT company by a Japanese IT company
- Assisting the investment to a Singapore listed company by Singaporean investors
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singapore PR company by a Japanese PR company
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singapore electronic maintenance company by a Japanese electronic maintenance company
- Assisting the acquisition of a Singapore childcare business company by a Japanese childcare business company
- Assisting the establishment JV company (labour staffing) in Japan with Singapore partner by a Japanese labour staffing company
- Assisting the establishment of JV company in Indonesia with Indonesia local partner by a Singaporean food business company
- Assisting the establishment of JV company in Indonesia with Indonesia local partner by a Singaporean painting company
- Assisting the establishment of JV company in Indonesia with Indonesia local partner by a Japanese food business company, etc.
(Other area)
Assisting the acquisition of a U.S. venture company by a Japanese pharmaceutical company
Assisting the business collaboration between Japanese industrial tool manufacturing company and U.S. marketing company
Assisting the business collaboration between Japanese industrial tool manufacturing company and Korean marketing company
Assisting the acquisition of a Japanese Hotel operating company
Assisting the acquisition of a Japanese clothes manufacturer
Assisting the business collaboration between Japanese clothes manufacturer and Ireland clothes manufacturer
Assisting the corporate restructuring of a s Japanese specialized trading company dealing with mineral resources
Assisting the corporate restructuring of a Japanese clothes manufacturer
Advising and representing in lawsuits for a Japanese plant construction company on damage compensation
Advising and representing in lawsuits for a Japanese real property management company on conflicts on the control of the company
Advising and representing in lawsuits for a Japanese health care management company on disputes on transfer of business
Several other cases, including assisting corporate alliance activities, and advising and representing in mediation and lawsuits regarding company organization and employment matter etc.
Collaborated in writing an article “Practical Issues related to International Commercial Arbitration in Asia” (Legal Mind published by Japan Pharmaceutical Industry Legal Affairs Association, August 2015)
Collaborated in writing an article “Legal Issues when research, development, sales and marketing of pharmaceuticals in Asia” (Legal Mind published by Japan Pharmaceutical Industry Legal affairs Association, April 2016)
Co-authored “Foreign Investment Regulations in ASEAN countries” (Shunkan KeiriJouhou,Chuo Keizai, November 2011)
“Japan - Employee Monitoring Note” (DataGuidance, November 2019)
“Japan – Employment Note” (DataGuidance, December 2019)
“Japan - Data Protection in the Financial Sector” (DataGuidance, December 2019)
“Japan - Privacy governance guidebook” (DataGuidance, October 2020)“The latest foreign investment regulations in ASEAN countries” (One Asia Lawyers, January 2018)
“Measures for establishment of compliance system in Asia” (Asia Legal Business, April 2018)
“The latest amendment to laws and regulations in ASEAN countries in 2019, 2020” (Asia Legal Business, November 2019)
“Examining Japan's APPI Amendments v. the GDPR and PDPA” (DataGuidance, May 2020)
“Asian Business Law M&A in ASEAN countries” (Kobe University Law School, August 2020)
2007: Graduated Doshisha University LL.B.
2010: Graduated Kyushu University J.D.
2017: Observer, Japan Pharmaceutical Industry Legal Affairs Association
2020: GMAP Visiting Professor, Kobe Law School
Admitted/Professional Experience
2011: Admitted to Japan Federal Bar Association(Dai-ni Tokyo Bar Association)
2019: Admitted to Foreign Practitioner Certificate for Foreign Lawyer to practice both Singapore law and Foreign law in Singapore (Section 36B)
Japanese, English
+81-3-6550-9000 TEL (Japan)
+81-50-5532-9590 Mobile (Japan)
+65-6950-0860 TEL (Singapore)
+65-8263-1578 Mobile (Singapore)