Tomonari Koshiji
Lawyer (Japan)
Certified Business Succession Specialist Representative Partner of Fukuoka Office
Profile and Expertise
Born in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka. Tomonari Koshiji graduated from La Salle High School. After graduating from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law, he was admitted to the bar association (Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association) and joined Iwata Godo Law Office, a pioneering domestic law firm specializing in corporate legal affairs in Tokyo, in 2003.
In 2005, he returned to Fukuoka and joined Omi Law Office, a domestic law firm specializing in corporate legal affairs, where he provided various legal supports including daily legal consultation, dispute prevention through the preparation of contracts and dispute resolution, in the fields of financial transactions, real estate, competition laws, intellectual property and IT laws, labor laws, and crisis management.
Having obtained the certificate of business succession specialist in December 2020, he also provides legal support in the fields of business startup and business succession and inheritance.
Since he joined One Asia Lawyers Fukuoka Office as the representative partner in April 2021 with the aim of becoming a bridge between Kyushu and ASEAN, he has been working to contribute to the development of the regional economy by providing the clients in Kyushu with an opportunity to expand their business to ASEAN and offering detailed support to the clients doing business with ASEAN countries.
- Experience
- Publications
- Seminars
- Newsletter
・Claims for damages between companies and between a company and individual (cancellation of continuous contract, acquisition of business partners, accident involving falling package, vibration during construction work, embezzlement or misappropriation by employees etc.)
・Claims for contract fees (system and software development etc.)
・Claims for refund of deposits, repayment of loans, and performance of guarantee obligations (represented financial institutions)
・Claims for payment of administrative expenses, Case of petition for an auction under the Article 59 of Act on Building Unit Ownership, etc. (represented building management company and body corporate)
・Claims for vacating the building and petition for compulsory execution (represented lessor and management company)
・Claims for registration of transfer of ownership and cancellation of registration (conclusion of purchase agreement, acquisition of prescription, invalidation of wills etc.)
・Claims for unpaid wages, labor tribunal (represented companies)
・Claims seeking the revocation of a disposition concerning correction of income tax
・Civil provisional remedies and civil execution
・Drafting and reviewing various agreements, including finance, real estate and service agreements
・Drafting agreements and advising on business succession and inheritance
・Conduction legal due diligence, drafting share transfer agreements and advising on share purchases
・Drafting opinion on a breach of the duty of care by a directorManagement information magazine "Hisho" (2005-2019)
・Revised inheritance law and business succession
・Impact of the revised civil code on real estate leasing practices
・Supreme Court decision on reemployment after mandatory retirement
・Legal issues relating to renting private homes and rooms
・Retroactive application of anti-social forces exclusion clauses
・Revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information
・Removal of illegal parking vehicles
・Employment guidelines
・Management assurance guidelines
・Non-competition obligation agreement with employees
・Incorrect warning of infringement of intellectual property rights and liability for damages
・Anti-social forces exclusion clauses
・Debt collection through garnishments
・Reconsider labor issues in the wake of the earthquake
・Abusive corporate split
・Liability of directors
・Agreement made via the internet
・Checklist for agreements
・Fair and free competition (Antimonopoly Act)
・Display and advertisement
・How to utilize the new Companies Act in SME
・Whistleblower protection system
・Copyright infringement[Seminars]
・Council for financial legal affairs "The decision of Grand Bench of the Supreme Court on inheritance of deposits and future financial practices" (July 2017)
・The Japan Federation of Bar Associations "Symposium on the 20th Anniversary of the Enforcement of the Code of Civil Procedure" (March 2018)
・The Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Live Practice Training "Practice of litigation on claim for the return of legitimate portion after the amendment to the inheritance law: How to use calculation sheet for legally reserved portion - from filing to examination of evidences" (March 2021)
Legal knowledge required for day-to-day operations, credit management and collection, and compliance training etc.
2001: Graduated University of Tokyo Faculty of Law
2003: Admitted to Bar Association (Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association)
Joined Iwata Godo Law Office
2005: Changed the registration to Fukuoka Bar Association
Joined Omi Law Office
2020: Joined RITA Law Office
Registration as a certified business succession specialist
2021: Joined One Asia Lawyers Fukuoka Office as the representative partner
Admitted/Professional Experience
Fukuoka Bar Association