Our lawyer, Tetsuo Kurita, will give a lecture at Kobe University Summer Program “Dispute Resolution in all over the world” on 21 and 22 August 2021.
Our lawyer, Tetsuo Kurita, will give a lecture at Kobe University Summer Program “Dispute Resolution in all over the world” on 21 and 22 August 2021.
29 July 2021
Our lawyer, Tetsuo Kurita, will give a lecture at Kobe University Summer Program “Dispute Resolution in all over the world” on 21 and 22 August 2021. The lecture will be held via Zoom and, with special permission granted by Kobe University, anyone can join the program.If you are interested in the lecture, please contact us at info@oneasia.legal.
2021 Summer Program Kobe University Law School
21st 22nd August, 2021
21st Saturday August from 14:00-15:30 Japan Time
1 Dispute Resolution System and Arbitration System in North America
Lecturer and Coordinator: Jenner & Block LLP, partner and co-chair of Japan Practice: Miwa Shoda
Theme (1) The foundation of the litigation system in North America
Theme (2) The difference between litigation and arbitration in the US
Theme (3) The change in the procedure of litigation and arbitration in the US due to COVID-19
21st Saturday August from 15:50-17:20
2 Dispute Resolution System and Arbitration System in Asia
Lecturer and Coordinator: One Asia Lawyers Managing Partner: Tetsuo Kurita
Theme (1) Latest Update from Singapore International Arbitration Centre
Singapore International Arbitration Centre Secretariat Ms Michele Park Sonen
Theme (2) Latest Update from Singapore International Mediation Centre
Singapore International Mediation Centre Secretariat Mr Wee Meng
22nd Sunday August from 14:00-15:30 Japan Time
3 Dispute Resolution System and Arbitration System in Middle East
Lecturer and Coordinator: Afridi & Angell Head of Japan Desk (seconded from Nishimura & Asahi), Masao Morishita
Theme (1) Dispute resolution in Saudi Arabia
Derayah LLPC (Saudi Arabia) Parnter Mr. Andreas Haberbeck
Theme (2) Dispute resolution in UAE
Afridi & Angell (UAE) Partner Mr. Chatura Randeniya
a. Traditional dispute resolution in the UAE – how the UAE courts work
b. The rise of ADR in the UAE – the rise (and fall?) of arbitration, and the rise of mediation
c. Common law oasis in the Civil law desert – the DIFC and the ADGM
22nd Sunday August from 15:50-17:20
4 Dispute Resolution System and Arbitration System in Africa
Lecturer and Coordinator: Survey Consultant for JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Information Collection Survey for Improving the Access to Justice and Establishing Networks in African Countries, Advocate Ms Yuko Haraguchi
Theme (1) Efforts to promote ADR and Challenges in Kenya
Advocate Ms. MaryAnne Nyakiringa Kimani, Partner of Nyakiringa & Co. Advocates, Court Mediator
Advocate Mr. Arthur Igeria, Partner of Igeria and Ngugi Advocates, Director of Arbitration Training Center
Theme (2) Efforts to promote ADR and ICT use in Dispute resolution in Tanzania
Resident Magistrate and Advocate, Mahenge/Ulanga District in Morogoro Region, Mr. Paul Jackson Warioba