Hisakazu Mizuseki
Lawyer : Japan
Profile and Expertise
Hisakazu has gained an experience in a mid-sized Japanese law firm specialized in corporate business turnaround, where he advised clients on a general corporate matters including debt collection, contract negotiations, labor, M&A, bankruptcies and business turnaround, organizational restructuring and others, for a wide range of clients from start-ups to listed companies; he has also given advices for corporate executives on their inheritance and business succession cases.
As a qualified tax accountant and a tax examiner, he also provides consultation and support for tax examinations.
- Experience
- Publications
- Seminars
- Newsletter
◆ Bankruptcy/Corporate Rehabilitation•
・ Voluntary Liquidation Case of a liquor brewing company
・ Bankruptcy case of an import sundry goods sales company
・ Civil rehabilitation case of a clothing sales company
・ Civil rehabilitation case of a construction company
・ Voluntary Liquidation Case of a beauty salon company
・ Special Liquidation Case of Foreign Corporations' Domestic Subsidiaries
◆ M&A/Finance •
・ Acquisition of a staffing company by a listed company
・ Acquisition of a semiconductor-related equipment manufacturer (listed company)
・ Acquisition of a metal processing company by a PE fund
・ Acquisition of golf courses using SPC
・ Acquisition of Type II Financial Instruments Business Operators by Foreign Enterprises
◆ Labor
・ Lawsuit for ascertainment of status, Lawsuit for claim for unpaid overtime pay
・ Labor trial
・ Mediation by Dispute Coordination Committee
・ Class negotiation against external unions
・ Conducting criminal prosecution and seeking damages against fraudulent employees
◆ Litigation and Negotiations •
・ Lawsuit to seek damages from employees for breach of their obligation to give due consideration to safety
・ Lawsuit to demand the performance of a guarantee obligation by a retired director
・ Negotiations on purchasing of shares by minority shareholders and squeeze-out cases
・ Action against the acquiring company for avoidance of fraudulent act
・ Claim for refund of franchise fees and damages for breach of non-competition obligations
・ Claim for reduction of legally reserved portion/mediation on the division of inherited property
・ Divorce mediation
・ Other lawsuits related to debt collection, surrender of land and buildings, and claims for damages
◆ Others ◆
・ Preparation of various contracts and investigation of the legality of new business
・ Consultations on financing and cash flow improvement
・ Advices on the preparation and operation of shareholders' meetings
・ Handling of tax investigations
Introduction to Contracts Related Cases by Learning Cases (Minjiho Kenkyukai, May 2017)
September 2015: "News’ Prospective/Dangers of Falling Signboard" (Explained regarding Structure Liability on TBS’s News Bird)
June 2016: "Facts of Business Turnaround Which Certified Public Tax Accountants Need to Know (First Part)" (KACHIEL Co., Ltd.)
October 2016: "Report for accounting firms concerning tax delinquency - In the scenes of collection, bankruptcy, and turnaround" (seminar for business owners and tax accountants)
October 2016: "Facts of Business Turnaround Which Certified Public Tax Accountants Need to Know (Second Part)" (KACHIEL Co., Ltd.)
November 2016: "Comprehensive Reference for M&A/Business Turnaround Scheme (KACHIEL Inc.)"
April 2017: "Seminar on How to Deal with Tax Delinquency and Business Turnaround" (seminar for business owners and CPTAs)
June 2017: "Business Turnaround and Business Succession" (lectured at entrepreneur exchange meeting)
December 2017: "Issues Concerning Put Option Claim by Minority Shareholders" (seminar for insurance salespeople)
May 2018: "Responsibilities of Small and Medium Enterprises’ Directors" (seminar for insurance salespeople)
2006 Graduated from Hosei University
Faculty of Law
2009: Graduated from Waseda University
Law School
2010: Worked as a private secretary of the
member of the House of Representatives
2012: Admitted to practice laws in Japan
(belongs to Daini Tokyo Bar Association)
as a partner
Admitted/Professional Experience
The Daini Tokyo Bar Association
The vice president of the society for the
bankruptcy law study
A member of the society for the business
succession study
A member of the judicial training committee