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Chalisa Kanjanasuksakul



Chalisa is currently working in One Asia Lawyers; past experience was with a law firm that provides services regarding corporate law and provides advice on how to conduct their clients' businesses successfully in Thailand. She also has experience in litigation, preparing documents, and prosecuting in court. She also has experience as a legal employee in a limited company, negotiating, preparing contracts, and providing legal support to the company's management team.

  • 主要実績
  • 著書・論文
  • 講演
  • ニューズレター
  • • Preparing an invitation letter, minutes of the director and shareholder meetings, registration with other governments regarding company limits and licenses, and VAT.
    • Preparing, handling, and filing legal documents and paperwork with the court.
    • Following up on all litigation cases and attending court hearings.
    • Draft and review contracts, agreements, and corporate documentation; a notice; and a letter between the company and a public or private company.
    • Provide legal support on various claims and sales contracts.


LLB., Mae Fah Luang University


    Member of Thai Lawyer’s Association


Thai, English, Japanese

