Ryan Mandela
DKMS Lawyers所属
Mr. Ryan Mandela is the Partner at DKMS Lawyers. He obtained his Bachelor in Law from Pelita Harapan University majoring in Business Law.
Prior to forming DKMS Lawyers he worked for Hogan Lovells Indonesia (Hermawan Juniarto) and several International Banks such as BNP Paribas and United Overseas Bank. During his tenure in these firms and banks he assisted clients in a number of important banking and financing transactions. Besides, he assisted clients in a number of corporate commercial deals such as M & A and Capital Market. Accordingly, he has developed his areas of concentrations that involve Corporate Commercial, M & A, Capital Market, Banking & Financing and Infrastructure Projects.
Mr. Ryan Mandela is a licensed lawyer from PERADI (Perhimpuan Advokat Indonesia /Indonesian Advocate Association). In this firm he leads practice group of Corporate Commercial, M & A and Banking and Finance.
- 主要実績
- 著書・論文
- 講演
- ニューズレター
Advising KI-STAR Real Estate Co., Ltd on JPY 180,000,000 bilateral term loan facility made available to Kamarq holdings Pte.Ltd for purpose of supporting working capital.
Advising ACA Investment Pte. Ltd. on the legal due diligence over PT Digital Alpha Indonesia engaged in financial technology business sector for supporting the subscription plan of USD 2.000.000 into the parent company in Singapore.
Advising Softbank Corp. on the plan for establishment of ride-share application under the “World Taxi Application” brand.
・ Advising PT Softbank Telecom Indonesia on import and distribution of Global Positioning System (GPS) device to transporation companies in Indonesia.
・ Advising Kokuyu Co., Ltd. on the Applicability of “Red Line” import policy for several stationary items.
・ Advising Japan Airlines Co., Ltd on the entry schemes available for new proposed business model in Indonesia.
・ Advising Natixis, Singapore Branch in relation to SGD111,500,000 bilateral term loan facility made available to Transformer I Pte. Ltd, Aver Asia (S) Pte. Ltd and certain additional borrowers.
・ Advising Standard Chartered Bank, Hongkong Branch and CIMB Niaga Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch on USD 18,000,000 and SGD230,750,000 syndication term loan facility made available to PT Batamindo Investment Cakrawala.
・ Advising PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) in relation to preparation of project finance loan documentations template by referring to Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA) standard.
・ Advising PT Posco E&C Indonesia on the facilities made available to PT Mega Kuningan Internasional for the development and financing of apartments and commercial buildings.
・ Advising PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) on IDR 26,000,000,000 term loan facility made available to PT Selo Kencana Energi for development of mini-hydro power plant project in Lubuk Gadang, West Sumatra.
・ Advising PT Medco Energi International Tbk, PT Medco LNG Indonesia and PT Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi in relation to the loan restructuring for liquefied natural gas plant located on the east coast of Sulawesi.
・ Advising PT Rajawali Citra Abadi on the transfer of shares among the existing shareholders.
・ Advising PT Artha Supremasi Teknologi on the establishment of new local company engaged in financial technology business, including obtaining corporate basic licenses.
・ Advising PT Artha Supremasi Teknologi on company and shares restructure on basis of loan.
・ Advising PT Rezeki Bersama Teknologi on the registration of “Fin plus” trademark.
・ Advising PT Satriyo Jaya Persada on the registration of “Tree plus” trademark.
・ Advising PT Pembangunan Perumahan Infrastruktur (PP Infra) on the legal due dillgence over PT Waterindo Primatech Bekasi for purpose of acquiring water treatment plan project in Bekasi regency.
・ Advising PT Pembangunan Perumahan Infrastruktur (PP Infra) on the legal due dillgence over PT Grha Mekatama Telindo for purpose of implementing good corporate governance princple to support the acquisition of water treatment plan project in Bekasi regency.
・ Advising PT Waskita Karya Infrastruktur (WKI) on the legal due dillegence over PT Aceh Korea Water for purpose of acquiring water treatment plan project in Aceh Utara Regency.
・ Advising PT Daya Barus Nusantara (DBN) on the preparation preparation of feasibility study, cooperation agreement and tender document for for DKI Jakarta waste to energy unsolicited project.
・ Advising National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and the Municipal Government of Bandung in the preparation and transaction phase for of Bandung waste to energy solicited project.
・ Advising Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII) and the Ministry of Transportation in connection with preparation of pre-feasibility study of New Makassar Port Project.
・ Advising National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and Municipal Government of Surakarta in the preparation and transaction phase of Solo waste to energy solicited project.
・ Advising National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and the Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan in the transaction phase of the Central Kalimantan coal railway solicited project.
・ Advising National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and the Municipal Government of Batam in the transaction phase of Batam waste to energy solicited project;
・ Advising PT Mega Guna Ganda Semesta on the preparation of pre-feasibility study and tender document for South Sumatera coal railway unsolicited project.
・ Advising European Union – Indonesia Trade Facility Cooperation (EU-TCF) and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on the preparation of guidelines book for development of waste to energy project in Indonesia through public private partnership scheme.
・ Advising International Finance Corporation (IFC) on the preparation of high-level report for development of waste to energy project in Indonesia through public private partnership scheme.
・ Advising Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency (Badan Aksesibilitas Telekomunikasi dan Informasi – BAKTI) on the preparation of pre-aanwijzing document and tender document for procurement of international legal counsel for government’s multifunction satellite solicited project through public private partnership scheme.
・ Advising Telecomunication and Information Accessibility Agency (Badan Aksesibilitas Telekomunikasi dan Informasi – BAKTI) on the commercialization phase of Palapa Ring National Back Bone Fiber Optic Infrastructure Facility.
・ Advising Ministry of Public Work and Public Housing (PUPR) on the preparation of pre-feasibility study for Batam waste to energy solicited project.