→One Asia Lawyersコンプライアンスニューズレター
One Asia Lawyers Compliance News Letter (May 2021)
Updates on Merger Control Enforcement
1) Amendments to the Competition Act in Malaysia – for MyCC Power to Control Mergers
The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) has initiated a process to amend the Competition Act 2010, to enable the Commission to control Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) of companies, and thereby avoid the creation of monopolistic entities in Malaysia.[1] Currently, there are only sector-specific laws and guidelines that regulate the anti-competitive aspects of mergers in relation to the aviation industry[2] and the communication and multimedia industry. [3] The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs is planning to table these legislative amendments by the end of 2021.
Following these amendments, all M&As will require prior approval of MyCC. The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister of Malaysia (Alexander Nanta Linggi) has given a statement that “M&As would need to receive approval from MyCC. Any company that merges without MyCC’s approval will be directed to cancel the merger and will be fined”.[4]
MyCC has previously indicated that they are inclining towards a mandatory merger notification regime. This means that mandatory notifications would be required (i.e. to notify the MyCC and obtain its approval) when certain jurisdictional thresholds are met.[5]
2) Joint Statement on Merger Control Enforcement in Australia, UK and Germany
On 20th April 2021, the competition authorities in Australia, the UK and Germany – the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and Germany’s Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartel Office) – have issued a joint statement highlighting the importance of rigorous and effective merger enforcement, especially in this current landscape of Covid-19.[6] This statement was prompted by high levels of concentration across various markets in these countries, as well as a marked increase in the number of merger reviews involving dynamic and fast-paced markets, such as the technology sector.
Whilst the joint statement acknowledges the difficulties that companies face due to Covid-19, which may result in more takeovers and acquisitions, it cautions against any relaxation of standards for merger assessments. For example, it affirms that the pandemic is “not a reason to lower the standard for accepting [valid failing firm] claims”, even if it is likely to lead to an increase in such claims.
[1] For example, concerns have been raised over Grab Holdings Inc. and its subsidiaries, as the MyCC proposed a fine of 86 million ringgit on Grab in October 2019, for abuse of their dominant position in the market.
Lee, Liz. (3rd October 2019). Malaysia proposes $20 million fine on Grab for abusive practices. Reuters.
[2] Part VII Division 4 of the Malaysian Aviation Commission Act 2015, enforced by the Malaysian Aviation Commission (MAVCOM)
[3] Part IV Chapter 2 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, enforced by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
[4] Jalil, Asila. (1st April 2021). MyCC to present proposed amendment on Competition Act 2010 by year-end. The Malaysian Reserve. https://themalaysianreserve.com/2021/04/01/mycc-to-present-proposed-amendment-on-competition-act-2010-by-year-end/
[5] Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs Competition Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Global Forum on Competition, ‘Merger Control in Dynamic Markets – Contribution from Malaysia’ (6 December 2019)
[6] Australian Competition & Consumer Commission. (20 April 2021). Landmark joint statement on merger control enforcement from ACCC, UK’s CMS and Germany’s Bundeskartellamt. https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/landmark-joint-statement-on-merger-control-enforcement-from-accc-uks-cma-and-germanys-bundeskartellamt
One Asia Lawyers コンプライアンスニューズレター(2021年5月号)
これらの改正後、すべての買収案件(M&A)はMyCCの事前承認が必要となることとなる。マレーシアの国内取引・消費者省大臣(Alexander Nanta Linggi)は、「M&Aを行うにあたってはMyCCの承認を受ける必要がある。MyCCの承認を得ずに合併した企業は、合併の中止を指示され、罰金を科される可能性がある」との声明を発表した[4]。
[1] 例えば、Grab Holdings Inc.とその子会社については、MyCCが2019年10月にGrabに対して、市場での支配的地位の乱用を理由に8,600万リンギットの罰金を提案したことから、懸念が生じている。
マレーシアはGrabに対し、不正行為に対して2千万ドルの罰金を提案する。Lee, Liz. (2019年10月3日). Reuters.
[2] マレーシア航空委員会(Malaysian Aviation Commission, MAVCOM)によって施行される2015年マレーシア航空委員会法第7部第4課
[3] マレーシア通信・マルチメディア委員会(Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, MCMC) によって施行されている1998年の通信・マルチメディア法の第4部第2章
[4] MyCCは年末までに2010年競争法の修正を提案する。Jalil, Asila. (2021年4月1日). The Malaysian Reserve. https://themalaysianreserve.com/2021/04/01/mycc-to-present-proposed-amendment-on-competition-act-2010-by-year-end/
[5] OECD金融・企業局、競争におけるグローバルフォーラム「ダイナミック市場における合併管理 – マレーシアからの貢献」 (2019年12月6日). https://one.oecd.org/document/DAF/COMP/GF/WD(2019)58/en/pdf
[6] オーストラリア競争・消費者委員会(ACCC)、英国のCMS、ドイツのBundeskartellamtによる合併規制の執行に関する画期的な共同声明を発表(2021年4月20日) https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/landmark-joint-statement-on-merger-control-enforcement-from-accc-uks-cma-and-germanys-bundeskartellamt